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DDMSence 2.6.0

DDMSence (pronounced "dee-dee-em-Essence") is the only open-source Java library that fully supports the DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS).

See: Description

Package Description
The core package of DDMSence, which contains the abstract base classes which do not need to be directly referenced.
Contains the top-level DDMS component, Resource, various exception classes, and other supporting classes.
Contains the components from the "Extensible" layer of the DDMS specification.
Contains the components from the "Format" set of the DDMS specification.
Contains the components from the "Metacard" set of the DDMS specification.
Contains the components from the "Resource" set of the DDMS specification.
Contains the components from the "Security" set of the DDMS specification.
Contains the components from the "Security" set of the DDMS specification which exist in the ISM XML namespace.
Contains the components from the "Security" set of the DDMS specification which exist in the NTK XML namespace.
Contains the components from the "Summary" set of the DDMS specification.
Contains the components from the "Summary" set of the DDMS specification which exist in the GML XML namespace.
Contains the components from the "Summary" set of the DDMS specification which exist in the TSPI XML namespace.
Contains the attributes which exist in the XLINK XML namespace.
Contains shared utility classes used throughout the project.

DDMSence (pronounced "dee-dee-em-Essence") is the only open-source Java library that fully supports the DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS). It transforms XML DDMS Resources (also called metacards or assertions) into a Java object model, allowing them to be manipulated or traversed within the context of a Java environment. The library is published under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). The project's home page can be found at

The classes which represent DDMS elements are grouped into packages based on which of the five core sets they belong to. In some cases, packages are further divided to identify any components which originate from other XML namespaces, such as GML or XLink. If a component is reused across multiple sets, it will be found in the package of the set where it was first introduced.

The tables below provides a quick reference of components which have been implemented as a DDMSence class, organized alphabetically within DDMS core sets. The attribute groups which decorate the components are listed in parentheses.

DDMS 5.0 Classes

Format Set Metacard Set Resource Set Summary Set

DDMS 4.1 Classes

Format Set Metacard Set Resource Set Security Set Summary Set Extensible Layer

DDMS 4.0.1 Classes

Format Set Metacard Set Resource Set Security Set Summary Set Extensible Layer

DDMS 3.1 Classes

Format Set Resource Set Security Set Summary Set Extensible Layer

DDMS 3.0 Classes

Format Set Resource Set Security Set Summary Set Extensible Layer

DDMS 2.0 Classes

Format Set Resource Set Security Set Summary Set Extensible Layer
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Generated on 09/15/2016 12:36 PM